Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Flash of Just a Bit of Creativity - and Inspiration?

How Far Will I Go?

How far will I go? Will I eventually lose the ability to keep myself fed and clothed during these tough times? If so, will I have the mental capacity to adapt, change, and overcome the challenges? Will I ever get too skilled or too knowledgeable that I out-qualify any hiring requirements? Will my mind become so inflexible that I become obsolete? If so, will I know when that day comes?

How far will I go? Will I overcome the challenges in the future to educate myself, to keep myself marketable? Can I continue an education and work full-time professionally? Will I be able to handle those stresses in life? Am I able to continue to learn new things, fantastic things, things undreamt of no more than twenty years ago? I’m not so young that I’m inexperienced, nor am I so old that I can no longer learn. But will I ever be so old that I become inexperienced and not young enough to learn?

How far will I go? Will my health gradually deteriorate to the point where I need someone to take care of me? When will this happen? And when will it affect my work? Will my work that I dearly love, and sometimes, love to hate, no longer have any meaning? I consider myself a hard worker, but I’m tired. I feel just a bit more tired every day…every year. My hands, worn with a bit of age, a shop career, and a mechanical background, ache just a bit more every day…every year. Does this mean I’m simply working too hard, or simply getting old?

How far will I go?

How far will I go?

I will always go as far as I can, just to see how far I can go. I will always be mindful of the future, but live for the day. There’s no need to worry over things that have not yet happened, or may never happen. I will always try to remind myself that I am human, I make mistakes, and I forget things. I will always try the best that I can at whatever I’m doing. That’s my nature. I don’t know how to do anything else. I don’t know how to get up in the morning and say, “Today, I’m going to do whatever I can to not learn anything at all.” Trying my best means I will always remain fascinated at the latest and greatest in knowledge, skill, and technology. Because I know, not more than twenty years ago, the world, my world, didn’t quite have the same level of skill, knowledge, and technology that it has today. And twenty years from now, who knows what the latest and greatest will bring? Who can possibly predict what marvels we'll see? Exciting times! Being the best that I can means adapting when I need, learning as I go, and knowing when to slow down, take a breather, and maybe have a good laugh every now and then. Doing the best that I can means taking care of myself, mentally as well as physically. Sure, I may not be as successful as others. I may not be as successful in one area or more successful in other areas. But I’ll always be as successful as I can be, just to see how far I can go.


  1. Wow...that's a lot on your plate, buddy, especially written out all at once.
    Hope you've got a decent guild to help you unwind and keep perspective ;)

  2. Hey, Mat! I'm glad I've got that covered!


  3. Great work man. I think the ideas in your blog (on a more general sense, not just working in a shop) is what alot of people think about at one point or another. Good job writing it out in visual form.
