Sunday, March 21, 2010

The (Lich) King and I

The Lich King

Based on the evidence provided, the following post is mostly true but not definite.

Well! Here we are at long last! Our group has finally made it to the Lich King in 10-man ICC. Yeah, I know there are some “epic” guilds out there that have finished the WotLK content – blah, blah, frickin’ blah. We tried for one night and had several wipes but that’s just the initial encounter. Wiping should be expected when dealing with progression raiding. Although I will admit, wiping constantly on a 10-man ICC progression raid, and then trying to do the same in a 25-man ICC raid, can get very old, very quickly. Hopefully, our 10-man will progress enough so that we can clear it and then focus on the 25. Near the end of the 25-man, I was very tired of ICC and I just didn’t want to see anymore. I hope I don’t burn out on it too much. But, since we made it all the way to the Lich King I felt that I needed to add to my online photo hobby collection. So, in keeping with tying my older hobbies with my newer hobbies, I took a few screenshots to show off. Enjoy. While you’re at it, head over to my friend Matheo’s blog and check out some of his.

When I am talking about the king and I, of course, I’m referring to the Lich King and I! With Yul Brynner as the oft – imitated, never duplicated, me! The great Blackbear! Ok well maybe there wasn’t exactly a “Blackbear” character in that film but no one can deny the similarities between our epic baldness!

With Deborah Kerr as Neytiri as the draenei shamman Pumpken! Took me awhile to figure out how to make that reference.

I love this one. The Lich King’s just sitting there all epic-like as if to say very coolly, “Hey guys. Sup. How ya doin? I’m just going to sit right here and be all epic while you have to endure one-minute dialogue over and over again every time you wipe. MUWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”

No, I don’t have a close-up picture of the spread-eagled guy chained up with his crotch right over…tell ya what, go over to Matheo’s blog, you’ll see it.

The calm before the raging storm…

Anyways, Matheo was forehead-tanking the Lich King and we found out that he sure is a fidgety fella’. This guy can’t stand still for more than two seconds. Quite, irritating. But we seemed to at least get to the transition to 2nd phase. I have to say, if you get knocked off of the platform, and you should expect to, the fall alone is worth it. EPIC! Hopefully soon the great Blackbear will be known as Blackbear the Kingslayer! I have to admit, I feel that my character’s name, out of our entire raid group, except for maybe Shadow’s, would seem just so much more epic with that title than the other raiders’ names. I’m not saying that the other raiders wouldn’t be “epic” too! But I’ve often thought about what influences someone to choose a particular name. In our guild we have a priest named: Shadowson. Now, if he gets the title, he’ll be known as Shadowson the Kingslayer. That’s got a great tone to it, don’t you think? But, what about a name that’s supposed to be funny? Take for example, cowbell. Cowbell’s a tauren (how could one possibly guess?) that plays on a server in the same battlegroup as the Azuremyst server. Obviously, that name was chosen for comedic value. But what if the person playing that character decides to do some progression raiding? Cowbell, Conqueror of Ulduar just doesn’t seem at all epic to me anymore, not even for comedic value. Or how about the troll shaman named: Solobutt? Yes, you read that right. Take the word “solo” and capitalize it, then attach the word “butt” appropriately on the end. Then of course there’s the draenei mage named Pudmuffin. Seriously, could it get any funnier than Gotmilkmoo – a tauren warrior? I believe it can. So, I’ve decided that I’m going to start jotting down some of the more bizarre names I come across in this game. I might also post them periodically with a title that I think would be appropriate. Hopefully, I’ll have a couple of good ones to start out. Anyone that sees the article is more than welcome to participate and add their own experiences.

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